Norfolk School

Norfolk School is a thriving rural school situated 5km from the town of Inglewood in Taranaki. We currently have approximately 160 children and 15 staff in total. Our school has grown a lot in recent years and we have had to look creatively for ways to maximise the space that we have available for teaching and break-out spaces.

Our current vinyl flooring is over 15 years old and has small holes and bumps from the sliding shelving units. This flooring does not create a welcoming, comfortable base for a room that is intended to promote a love of learning.

– Andrew Georgeson, Principal 


The original application was for a different space, but it was agreed that we could change to our Whanau Room, which we remodeled into a kitchen / multipurpose space with an accessible bathroom. Thanks very much for your support, it is much appreciated.

– Andrew Georgeson, Principal 


We are so pleased to be able to assist the school in updating this space to be fully functional for the staff & students.

Norfolk School_Before