Waikanae Primary School

“Our school has had a lot of growth over the last few years. We have had 6 new classes built to house our growing roll. Lots of teaching happens in small groups and we are trying to use all areas and rooms around the school to their full potential.

We would really appreciate new flooring in a room called Otaki Forks. This is the oldest building that we have and according to our history it was moved to Waikanae School in 1945. Although this building and has been used for many purposes over the years, next year due to lack of space, Otaki Forks will be a shared 50/50 space for the reading recovery programme and music.

We currently have 13 year old carpet on the floor. We would like a new carpet for the main area, something that the students will be able to sit on comfortably. Younger students like to sit on the floor and the reading recovery teachers sit with the children on floor as they learn. So, having a nice new carpet to sit on will be more inviting for both students and teachers. The new carpet will allow the students to remove their shoes
on entering Otaki Forks and then be able to relax and learn either sitting on bean bags or sitting on the floor. This repurposed space will do a lot of sprucing up and the new flooring will go a long way to help.”

– Karen Noakes, Waikanae Primary School


“Thanks to the generous funding provided by RhinoKids Flooring Fund. This funding has made a significant difference, allowing us to upgrade the comfort of our oldest classroom, Otaki Forks, which is being used a music room. The carpet layers did an excellent job, and we are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to improve our school.”

– Waikanae Primary School 


“The Waikanae store team of Mark, Graeme, and Steve are pleased to be able to help improve the music room look and feel for those students to use. Enjoy!”

– Carpet Court Waikanae 

Waikanae Primary Shool before (2)
Waikanae Primary Shool before
Waikanae School NEW 1
Waikanae School NEW 2