Levin School

We are a contributing state primary school, which holds the claim to being the first school in Levin, playing a vital role in the history of education in the town. As a decile 1 school, there is always funding shortages so we do a lot of  fundraising. We work with the KidsCan charity as many families run short financially.

Due to an increase in enrolled children, the hall is now being used as a classroom for the time being. The current flooring is hard floor so we would like to use rugs to provide better comfort.

The carpet is working a treat! The mat on stage has fitted beautifully, and is being used by the students as part of the quiet reading space.  Of course the carpet has really helped with noise reduction AND made the space feel a lot warmer.

Thank you massively again for all of your support, it is much appreciated by all.

Paulianne Taylor, Levin School Principal

We have had the pleasure to help Levin School with rugs. When advising the school they had been chosen, the principal had only been newly appointed, so it was a huge shock to her that they were even entered let alone won.

As you can imagine, the hall had cold floor and the room echoed from the noise so to be able to provide rugs for the children to sit on to provide warmth while they learn is paramount.

We have great community support here in Levin, we have had Norca Rugs on board to help with the overlocking of the rugs and in turn made one of the overlocking as a donation as they were happy to support local children.

Seeing the joy and happiness from the children’s faces and relief in the teacher makes this flooring fund extremely beneficial in the growth of our tamariki.

Carpet Court Levin

Flooring – Berlin Sheer
