Marton Childcare Centre
We are a small Centre in the heart of the Rangitikei. We are licensed for 25 children from ages 0-5 years. We have 5 staff and have a wonderful family community. We’d love to have some brand new carpet in our little lounge area which is used for so many things, it is our main play space, our meeting space, dancing, games, learning, exploring, researching, mat times, eating, and just generally coming together and playing.. The carpet currently in this space is well worn, hard, scratchy and well over 30 years old.
It would be just incredible to have new carpet. We wouldn’t know ourselves!!!! It would just lift our lounge area up. We’d be so proud of our new carpet without holes and blemishes on it. New carpet for our lounge is not even in the budget and it won’t be any time soon. So to have this carpet done for no cost to us, would just be amazing. We’d be so truly grateful.
Rachel Lovelock, Marton Childcare Centre Teacher
