Urenui School Project
We have 104 students at our school., we employ 5 amazing teachers and 2 Teacher aides that work very hard to support the teachers and the students. We have Year 0- 6 at Urenui School. We love school, we love learning.
I am applying for help with a particular classroom. Due to a growing roll, we had to recommission an old classroom for classroom learning again. We have 20 beautiful little children in this class and the carpet is old and stained and doesn’t completely cover all areas. New carpet for this classroom floor would make the floor more comfortable for our little year 2 children. It would make the floor a more usable space for investigations, creations and wonderings as part of their ongoing learning.
This would be a true blessing to our school and our ability to provide a safe and comfortable learning space for these children.
Phillip Reade, Urenui School Acting Principal